Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Be sure to bring your rubber cement, scizzors/cutting device and anatomical reference to today's class, in addition to your finished pen & ink project - it's critique day!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Your Blog Addresses

Please keep your posts current - they are due by the end of the day of that particular critique. You are additionally responsible for commenting on at least 2 other student projects after the critique on their sites. At the end of the semester - this blog will be the digital representation of all you have accomplished in the class - and will be graded as such! Care for it (the site) like you do your own work:

Erin Groom:
Jared Hobson:
Kim L:
Brooke Lynn Mikkelsen:
Kelly Reis:
Chelsea Seelbinder:
Riley Snyder:
Janine Tingson:
Brandy Williams:

If you want to spread the word and get more than just your classmates' comments, that is fine too - this is your space, so make it into what you want to get from it.

This Week & Next

Hey all, an update of all that is due by this point is coming soon, but I thought I would try to set this week's activities up for you now:

Monday is easy: bring projects to work on in class, there are several to choose from and none of you are done yet. You should be working on the following:
- Self-portrait / Gridded distortion project in ink (due Wednesday!)
- Your "In the Style of" project - your third artist pairing is due to me by Wednesday, your paper, presentation and art piece (in the media of your choosing, but style of your 3 artists) are all due on Wednesday, October 20th.
- 20 sketches in your sketchbook
- research on internal body part for recreation

Wednesday: Pen & Ink Critique and the beginning of the next sculpture project.

See you in class!